
Independent Securities, Fiduciary & Compensation Expert

Audits | Training | Litigation Consultant | Expert Witness

Breach of Fiduciary Duty->Liability->Damages->Expert Testimony and Reports

English ship of the line and Barbary Corsairs 17th C
English ship of the line battle Barbary Corsairs 17th C.

Fiduciary responsibility cannot be delegated completely away even if a trustee uses a bank, trust company, financial advisor, stock broker, investment adviser or business manager to assist.

Are you a trustee, ERISA pension plan or 401k plan sponsor? Or a trustee of a charity, non-profit organization, foundation or endowment? Fiduciary management of assets in trust rests on your shoulders, with personal responsibility. Fiduciaries are required to exercise a prudent process, in as much as few schools teach fiduciary responsibility trustees and ERISA Plan Sponsors can improve performance, meet fiduciary responsibilities and protect against claims for breach of fiduciary duty.  Qualified assistance from the Fiduciary Expert is available. As the age – old saying goes; an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Are you a trust beneficiary, participant or beneficiary of a participant in an ERISA, Union, Taft-Hartley Act, Multi – employer or Public (State, county or city) pension benefit plan, 401k, 403b or 457 plan or a financial supporter of a non-profit?  Losses, or lagging, sub-benchmark performance, Ponzi schemes and or waning communications may gain insights from McFid, the Fiduciary Expert.

Fiduciary Duty, Securities and Compensation Expert Witness litigation consulting support, expert reports, testimony, opinions of fiduciary liability, damages in Trust, Estate and Probate; ERISA pension, profit sharing and 401k plans; Suitability, supervision in FINRA (NASD), Regulatory agency, SEC investigations; board of trustees, investment committees at HOAs, charities, tax exempt, 501 c-3 Non-profit organizations, Foundations & Endowments; and certain family law issues like QDROs from a spouse’s trust, 401k or ERISA plan.

Note: Fiduciary duty, if any, is:

  • In addition to,
  • May precede,
  • Supercedes suitability and may arise at any time, to any type of account, investment, asset or life insurance.

Contact us at contact@fiduciaryexpert.com or call (310) 943 – 6509

CHRIS MCCONNELL & ASSOCIATES is 100% conflict free and 100% independent.  Does not sell or endorse any investments, insurance nor provide any investment, legal or tax advice. And to further preserve independence has not, does not and will not ever accept referral fees, commissions, finders or asset placement fees.

Use of any all content on this website is by written permission only – this website is published for general informational purposes only.

Please consult your legal, tax and investment adviser for appropriately tailored advice.

For any and all investment, brokerage or bank or linked accounts, securities or investment, loan, mortgage concerns related to breach of fiduciary duty, self-dealing, conflict of interest or malfeasance or violations of FINRA or SEC securities.

contact@fiduciaryexpert.com or (310) 943 – 6509

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