Category: Prudent Investment Management

Successor Trustees’ RED Flag: Who will be left holding the bag? Hold off accepting any trustee or new board appointment until fiduciary expert due diligence checks out

The good tidings of the holidays and beginning of the 2019 new year bring with it fervent hopes for things to improve, get better and this: for switches in trustees and new board of directors appointments. Let me make this very important point right here: these all entail a personal and ultimately unavoidable fiduciary duty, […]

Brokerage or Trust Account not budgeting fees, commissions and expenses; a BFD?

A budget, like lane markers on a freeway is a basic tool to help provide guidance as to the amount or range estimate for a particular or group of expenses, fees, costs, or other cash outflows. Another way to state it, is a budget enables control of fees, costs and expenses. Yet another way to […]

New Fiduciary Standard Rule 401k IRA Rollovers

(The new rule is also known as the Conflict of Interest rule). American retirees better get used to a new word, fiduciary.  It’s pronounced (fi-do-she-er-ee). In a nutshell, retirees need to better protect their retirement “nest eggs” from financial advisers potentially conflicted 401k plan rollover advice and when they do open an IRA Rollover account […]

CalPERS to exit hedge funds 2014 – a 2004 Fiduciary Caution redux?

We wrote ten years ago in 2004 about hedge funds, including suggestions and questions to improve prudence.  Recently, CalPERS seems to have determined for itself the costs, risks and returns were not worth it.  They have simply announced they will get out of all $4 Billion invested in hedge funds. 2016 Update: New Jersey State […]

Bank loan, leveraged loan investments – abundance of caution

Is 2007 happening again? This time in bank or leveraged loan funds? Regarding Bank Loan investment market: “It will be hard to call the exact move in interest rates because we’re in a massive global monetary experiment that’s never been done before,” he said. “And anybody who tells you where rates are going, you shouldn’t […]