Tag: Financial Fraud

Who will be left holding the bag – redux for trustees 2013 and beyond?

In September 2005 S&P (Standard & Poor’s) issued “Who will be left holding the bag?” in what would turn out to be a prescient report about the housing market and mortgage backed securities.  Around the same time certain investment banks created a new mortgage related security called a CDO (collateralized debt obligation, some were cash […]

Trusts Elder Abuse Financial Fraud Undue Influence Incapacity

Philanthropist and socialite Brooke Astor, 105, passed away in 2007.  Her now 89 year old son (but not Vincent Astor’s son) Anthony Marshall , the court found used undue influence to gain access to and loot her $200 million estate. Underscoring the importance of independent, third party verification of trust assets, withdrawals and transactions especially […]